Jenny Ground

Age 27
Position Freelancer
Base Reno, NV
Active on FacebookInstagramBehance

San Diego born and raised, and now living in Reno, Nevada, Jenny Ground recognizes the importance of brand recognition, crisp layout and a clear point of view for clients.

I am a Platt College San Diego graduate, from San Diego who moved to Reno for a change of scenery. I started in Photoshop when I was only 12, and since then I have loved learning all I can about design. When I am not working, I am often found out in nature, or at a gaming table with friends.

My love for my work shows, and it drives me to make sure every client is satisfied with their brand and product.

Be unique, and never be afraid to break out of the box. Your logo should make you proud, and every thing you hand out that has it, should be a clear message of what you do, allow me to help you with that.